Tumbleweed Chinchillas
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Upcoming Litters

Upcoming litters include:


Leo and Paisley
Leo is a white mosaic boy born here at Tumbleweed Chins.  Both parents come from Ronda Frazier.  They are out of Curtis Critters lines. 
Paisley is a Beautiful pure standard from PNWC. 
Babies will be white mosaic or standard.
Due any day!
Update!  10/21/04  Paisley gave birth to a single white mosaic kit.  She is beautiful!


Finn and Fiora
Not sure of pregnancy status for this pair, but I'm hoping.  Finn is still quite young, so we may have to wait until he matures a bit.
Fiora is a big, beautiful medium-dark ebony female.  She's usually right around 850 grams.
Finn is a light ebony male.  He's from Ricochet Chins.
Babies will most likely be ebony, ranging from light to med/dark.  Possibly some standards as well.