Tumbleweed Chinchillas
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My Chins

Some pics of everyone!

Sammy was my first chinchilla.  I've had him since 1998.  He's a sweetie!  No one could ask for a friendlier pet chinchilla.



Now I have a new guy, Harly.  He's a gorgeous TOV White Ebony.  I have him paired with Sophie right now, and he'll be with Paisley as well after her kits are weaned.    Sophie is a really sweet standard girl.  I almost lost her last year to Giardia.  She finally fought it and is 100% healthy now and even bigger than she was before she was sick.  Paisley is a pure standard from PNWC.  She's very pretty and quite dark!  She's pregnant at this time to Leo, my white mosaic.

Leo and Paisley


Grady and Sophie


Fiora is a Med-Dark hetero ebony girl who averages about 850 grams.  Finn is still a baby.  He's a light ebony boy, from Ricochet Chins.  I'm hoping for some nice kits from these two.

I got Buddy and Bailey in March of 2003.  I bought them as slow breeders, and didn't expect kits at all.  I just thought Buddy, despite being very very old, was cute.  I got Bailey as well because the two were very bonded.  On April 12, 2003, Bailey gave birth!  She had a pink white and a mosaic.  I still have the mosaic, his name is Leo.
12/29/03, Buddy died, from old age.  He was spoiled up to the end.
I still have Bailey, but she is not in breeding anymore.  After Buddy died, I paired her with a standard boy, and they had two kits.  Bailey loved them but wasn't able to care for them.  One died and the other was fostered to another mom.  So now she will just be a pet.
Buddy and Bailey


Leo and Pinky, at one week old


I love this guy, he's awesome.  He was in breeding until I got Harly.  I don't need two white males in breeding and Harly is nicer, so he gets the job.  Leo is a great little guy, and a good breeder.  He's fathered two litters this year and another that is due any day now
This picture is Leo with his son, Colby.
